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Friday, April 2, 2010

Feng Shui and Window Treatments

Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice proven to get results, follows the belief of “Live with what you love.” Everyone loves beautiful window treatments don’t they? Now what if those window coverings not only are beautiful to look at but they improve your health or finances or relationships? That’s not only possible but it has happened. Helen Arabanos and I worked together on a project recently; and the client was thrilled with the results. Not only did they love the way their new draperies made the room look, they loved how the room felt and how things in their life shifted for the better because the Chi, or Life Energy, was balanced. After doing an analysis of the property to determine the energetic chart, Helen and I worked together to pick the best type of covering as well as the fabric texture, color, pattern that would enhance the favorable energy in this client’s room. The result was that they spent more time in the room and thus they were continually being showered by that good energy, kind of like taking vitamins or having an assistant available to you at all times.

Some rooms have favorable energy, some not so favorable; some rooms need the energy blocked, some need the energy to be activated. Knowing the type of energy in the room will allow you to pick window treatments that utilize that energy to your advantage. Think of it as giving a plant water or sunlight, it will thrive. That’s what will happen when you incorporate Feng Shui applications into your selection of window treatments; you’ve now created a situation where those draperies are working for you and helping you move forward in your goals. That’s right, you don’t need to put three-legged toads around your home; your custom window treatments can be your Feng Shui enhancement! To learn more about Feng Shui please go to

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